Your Mulch. Made Easy.

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Summit Lawns Professional Mulch Installation Services In Lincoln, Ne

Fresh mulch in your landscaping is the #1 thing you can do to transform your yard. Ok, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but here’s the truth. Our professional mulch installation service in Lincoln, NE can make a huge difference. First, installing fresh mulch every spring cuts down on weeds. That means NO MORE WEEKENDS spent sweating and pulling weeds. It won’t stop all weeds, but it saves you a ton of time and effort.Second, mulch protects your plants all year long, insulating them from the weather. Plus, as it breaks down, it acts as a natural fertilizer. The circle of life.Most importantly, fresh mulch just looks great. It makes your yard pop with vibrant color. There’s no denying how awesome fresh mulch looks.If you're in the Lincoln area, let our professional mulch installation service give your yard the makeover it deserves!

Benefits Of A Mulch Installation Service

Curb Appeal

Always maintain a beautiful yard that will make your neighbors wonder what your secret is.

Prevent Weeds

Mulch is essential to preventing a severe weed problem in your landscape beds. Bare, exposed soil is a goldmine for the seeds of weeds to take hold and begin growing.

Saves Time

Stay off your hands and knees spreading mulch. Enjoy your free time instead.

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What Your Neighbors Think


Everyone I've come in contact with at Summit has been friendly, professional, and helpful. Their communication & notification process let's me know when they'll be coming by, what they'll be doing and what I need to do to prepare. When a crew came by to mulch my gardens, I was introduced to each member! 🙂 I really appreciate their friendly & respectful service. I've recommended Summit to friends.

Terri N.


I have been a Summit Lawns customer for several years. Crews are responsive, friendly and extremely capable. Owner is big on customer service and quality of work. Can't say enough nice things about this company and their people!

Sue Bowden


Summit Lawns is a great company to have come and do your lawn care needs. ... They are great at what they do and so kind. I am so glad I reached out to them for my lawn care needs and yearly lawn services!!

Lindsey Licht


Summit Lawns has saved me time and money, freeing me up to do other things. I no longer have to worry about seasonal feeding and treatments of my grass and soil. Summit Lawns takes care of it all for me. The lawn looks great and I feel better about having my family play on the grass that has been treated for all sorts of bugs etc.

Richard Garner

Our Personal 100% Iron-Clad, Money Back, Risk Free Guarantee to You!

Here’s the deal: We don’t do contracts. We earn your business on every visit. We want you to be totally thrilled with our service. So absolutely delighted that you will recommend us to your friends and neighbors. Frankly, we want to take care of your lawn forever. You are the judge, if our work is not excellent we will re-do the item in question for FREE. If you are still not happy, you will not owe us a single penny for that service.

Crazy, right? We thought so. In fact, if we were not the company we claim to be, that guarantee would probably cost us a small fortune. So we’re proud of that.

~ Ted Glaser | Summit Lawns Lincoln

Level Up Your Yard With Mulch

Mulch is an easy and fast way to increase curb appeal and prevent weeds. But not everyone considers how hard it can be to get even coverage of mulch to every nook and cranny around the house and landscape beds. In lincoln, we help you get the look you want. Plus you don’t have to worry about all the hassle of spreading the mulch and cleaning up the mess afterward.

The Power Of Mulch

Although landscape beds are always susceptible to weeds and a Landscape Bed Weed Control Program should be considered, mulch is essential to preventing a severe weed problem in your landscape beds. Bare, exposed soil is a goldmine for the seeds of weeds to take hold and begin growing. Using mulch to cover the soil can be very effective.

Mulch can also be very powerful when it comes to protecting your soil. Mulch insulates your soil and acts as a shield from extreme weather conditions. Mulch also helps your soil retain water which keeps roots moist. And since mulch comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and textures, you can add a lot of character to your landscape. Our experts understand the importance of mulch when it comes to lawn and landscape care and knows exactly how to properly apply mulch to your landscape.

Why Add Mulch?

Adding mulch to your landscape is a great proactive way to prevent weeds in your landscape bed. Unfortunately, we often hear horror stories of Lincoln homeowners going out of their way to apply mulch to their lawn and landscape.

Two things end up happening:

  1. The job turns into a headache, mulch isn’t properly applied, and by the end it doesn’t look how they thought it would.
  2. The homeowner ends up making multiple trips to the store to buy additional tools like wheelbarrows, shovels, extra bedding, and by the time they add everything up they spent more money than they wanted to.

Personalized Mulch Installation Made Easy

We offer mulch in a bunch of different colors to match your own personal tastes and unique landscapeAnd of course, we do the entire installation for you using our professional techniques, ensuring maximum effectiveness of your mulch.Depending on the size of your yard, the whole process only takes our team a couple hours.You can watch comfortably from your window while they haul around loaded wheelbarrows for youAnd as always, we let you know we’re coming ahead of time before your service so you’re never surprised to see us.If you haven’t already, you can get your free mulch estimate right on our website

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